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A New Temporary Normal

Updated: May 4, 2021

How are you doing? How is your family doing? How are you doing mentally? We all are doing our best to adjust to a new temporary normal with grace and ease. I find myself on a rollercoaster of emotions from anxiety to euphoria and from tired to running laps in the backyard with my boys. I think it would be much more manageable emotionally if we saw the end in sight or knew exactly how the world will emerge when this is over. Right now we are forced to surrender. It’s time to let go of all the things we knew and rules we clung to and make way for a new tomorrow. It’s terrifying at times, but also can be exhilarating. When I find myself overwhelmed I take a deep breath, release what is out of my control, and focus solely on what is in my control. Another way I help myself unwind is through meditation. As a regular meditator (now for several years since Hurricane Harvey) I am a big believer in the wonders it can afford you. One of the most important lessons it teaches is that your calm, clear, mind is always with you. The analogy I love is a clear blue sky (our calm and clear mind) and clouds (our thoughts, stresses, worries, and distractions). Sometimes these clouds come and go; sometimes they linger; sometimes we’re frightened by them wondering if a “storm” is on the way. Meditation will help you create a framework to show you the clear blue sky is and has always been there, you just need the tools to see it. Headspace, one of the leading apps for guided meditation, is offering lots of free options to help everyone deal with the current global situation. Try it for a week and tell me you don’t feel even a bit better! We have absolutely no control over how things are unfolding, but we can control our attitudes. I find that community, friendship and love are stronger than ever before. I watch my neighborhood heed the call to help. I’m trying to fully appreciate this precious time I get to spend each day with my family that I likely will never experience again in my lifetime. What are you grateful for? One thing I have immense gratitude for is the fact that my wife and I will be able to put food on our table every day. Not all families are as fortunate as the current mandates have crippled their financial situation. For the remainder of 2020, a portion of our proceeds will be donated to the Houston Food Bank. This organization is the heart of helping Houston's hungry. I hope you’ll consider finding a way you or your business can give back to those in need. Another thing that brings me so much joy is my family. We’re playing games, drawing pictures, doing art & science projects. I never knew I’d be adding “teacher” to my resume. I have always had admiration and respect for what teachers do, but now even more so. We’re also baking cookies, FaceTiming with friends, watching movies and connecting on a whole new level. It makes me wonder...did the universe just want us all to slow down a bit? What activities are you partaking in with your brood? Lastly, what is bringing me great joy is watching people still live life fully. I was touched watching a six-year-old boy get a parade from his loved ones after his birthday party got cancelled. I found it fascinating to watch this couple get married in solitude surrounded by thousands of people online. Our care and love for one another still goes on strong. We can’t predict how long this will last and I encourage you to cherish the moments that have meaning to you and those you love. Due to the Houston Stay-At-Home order Dubin’s Fine Jewelry has been forced to close down our store until April 30 (at the least). This has definitely been a blow to our business and so many others, but we’ll get through this; we all will. I would like to remind you that the small businesses in your area need your help now more than ever. We are offering white glove delivery service (no contact) and free insured shipments across the United States. I’m now conducting all business over FaceTime, Zoom, phone, and email. I still offer free consultations if you need help with an upcoming gift idea. Simply email me at or text the office at 713-840-0162. In the meantime, enjoy the extra time at home and remember to stay strong. We are #HoustonStrong We are #HumanityStrong


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